“Stop the Boats” is still the current Prime Ministers pledge, but it will never happen unless some
drastic action is taken. IMO the only way to stop the boats from making the deadly crossing is to
allow migrants to register in Calais, France and then be kept in camps until the UK can put the
migrants on a coach which will make the safe crossing via a ferry. Whilst in the Calais camp the Uk
authorities could run checks on the immigrant to ensure they didn’t have a criminal history.
Employers in the UK can register their requirements and the border agency could link the two up. If
migrants want to enter the UK, then the following rules would apply to all over 18s.
1/. They will have fitted an electronic monitoring (known as ‘tagging’) for a minimum of two years.
2/. On registration they will be evaluated on their use of the English language. If not to an acceptable
level, they will be offered either free training whilst in France or by their employer in Britain.
3/. If they have a verifiable trade, then they will take priority over those that don’t. If they don’t have
a trade but are looking for unskilled work, then their details will be noted and any UK employer
looking for staff could be notified. The employer will need to supply accommodation and meals but
would be allowed to deduct the cost (A maximum of 50%) from their minimum wage.
4/. The planning rules on temporary accommodation (such as static caravans) would be eased and
the local authority would grant planning permission for a period of five years.
5/. Accommodation at the workplace must be single sex and if any migrant worker became
pregnant, they would immediately be returned to their birth country or another safe country.
6/. If any migrant breaks any of our UK laws, then they and any family member will be returned to
their country of origin. No lengthy appeals will be allowed.
7/. Entry into the UK would be solely for them alone and would not be a fast track into the UK for
any of their relatives.
Once in the UK they will be held in Marquees or Yurts based on unused military sites or in ships in
dry dock. Costly hotel rooms should not be a choice. I can hear some people saying that being held in a tent is cruel, yet a vast number of migrants would have already spent years in tents in one of the 22 migrant camps in Turkey which has much lower winter temperatures than the UK.
The Republic of Turkey hosts over 3.7 million registered refugees and are paid by the EU to do so.
Unaccompanied children should be found foster homes in the UK until they are 18. They will then be
offered a free flight to their country of origin or stay in the UK as a full citizen. Any adopted child will
not have the right to invite family members to join them.
Any immigrant’s still trying to cross the English channel in a small boat would be met en-route and
be forced to return to France.
Disclaimer: Image courtesy of the BBC news website.